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No points!"; var lang4="You could do better!"; var lang5="Pretty Good!"; var lang6="point(s)."; function decodeIT(verdict) { resultString=verdict; var tester; tester= resultString.indexOf('#'); if (tester < 0) { return resultString; } if (verdict != '') { var uniText=verdict; var i=0; var testText=uniText.substring(2,uniText.length-1).split(";&#") for (i=0;i<=9) disp=" 0"; else disp=" "; disp+=min+":"; if(sec<=9) disp+="0"+sec; else disp+=sec; return(disp); } function Down() { mins=1*Minutes(document.timex.given.value); secs=0+Seconds(document.timex.given.value); DownRepeat(); } function DownRepeat() { secs--; if(secs==-1) { secs=59; mins--; } document.timex.taken.value=Display(mins,secs); if((mins==0)&&(secs==0)){ goExit=1; return; } else down=setTimeout("DownRepeat()",1000); } if (navigator.appName !="Netscape"){ setInterval("moveback()",150); function moveback(){ } } if (document.images) { img1=new Image(); img1.src="Resources/Images/arrow1.gif" } function refresher() { if(!checkup){ checkup='1984'; } refresh=checkup + "runs"; if(typeof(Storage)!=="undefined") { if (sessionStorage.refresh) { sessionStorage.refresh=Number(sessionStorage.refresh)+1; newStarts=sessionStorage.refresh; tries=newStarts; } else { sessionStorage.refresh=1; newStarts=sessionStorage.refresh; tries=newStarts; } } else { if (are_cookies_enabled()) { rec(); } else { newStarts=0; tries=newStarts; } } } function rec(){ runsCounter=GetCookies(refresh) if(runsCounter == null) { SetCookies(refresh,'1','10') return 1; } else { var newcounter=parseInt(runsCounter) + 1; DeleteCookies(refresh) SetCookies(refresh,newcounter,'10') return newcounter; } } function GetCookies (name) { var arg=name + "="; var alen=arg.length; var clen=document.cookie.length; var i=0; while (i < clen) { var j=i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal (j); i=document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } function SetCookies(name,value,nDays){ if (are_cookies_enabled()) { try { cookievalue=GetCookies("mycookie1"); newStarts=cookievalue; tries=newStarts; if (cookievalue==null) { cookievalue=1 newStarts=1; tries=newStarts; } } catch (e) { newStarts=0; tries=newStarts; } cookievalue= parseInt(cookievalue)+1; document.cookie='mycookie1='+cookievalue; } else { newStarts=0; tries=newStarts; } } function DeleteCookies (name) { document.cookie=refresh + '=; expires=Thu, 03 Jan 1944 00:00:01 GMT;'; } function getCookieVal(offset) { var endstr=document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset); if (endstr == -1) endstr=document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); } function are_cookies_enabled() { var cookieEnabled=(navigator.cookieEnabled) ? true : false; if (typeof navigator.cookieEnabled == "undefined" && !cookieEnabled) { document.cookie="testcookie"; cookieEnabled=(document.cookie.indexOf("testcookie") != -1) ? true : false; } return (cookieEnabled); } function objectdata(hsize,vsize,isTrueImg,isFalseImg,mess){ this.mess=mess; this.simg=new Image(hsize,vsize); this.simg.src=isTrueImg; this.rimg=new Image(hsize,vsize); this.rimg.src=isFalseImg; } function trimString (str) { str=this != window? this : str; return str.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, ''); } // -1) squiztitle=squiztitle.replace("'","`"); var sIncorrect=incorrectList; while (sIncorrect.indexOf("'") > -1) sIncorrect=sIncorrect.replace("'","`"); var sCorrect=correctList; while (sCorrect.indexOf("'") > -1) sCorrect=sCorrect.replace("'","`"); if (totaltried==0){ per="0%"; } ShowScore(correctList, incorrectList, totalcorrect,totaltried, totalincorrect,question, quiztitle, tries); try{ if (SCORM == true){ return;} } catch(err) {} display(); } function hideScorm(){ var noInput=""; var debugText=document.getElementById("debugText"); if(debugText){ debugText.innerHTML=noInput; } } function AlertCC(n,correctList, incorrectList, totalcorrect,totaltried, totalincorrect,question, quiztitle, tries) { myname=n; if (circular==0){ circular=10; var submitWarning=(decodeIT("To use this option you must have a standard email client installed on your computer (Outlook Express, Outlook, Eudora etc.) Please note that you may encounter problems if you are running an anti-virus software which blocks script-based mailing. Please note also that submitting the results automatically ends the quiz session!")); var alertMessage="


" + submitWarning +"

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1. What type of bugs are these?

2. What bug is this?

3. What creature is this?

4. What bug is hiding here?

5. What bug is this?

6. What creature is here?

7. What bugs are these?

8. What bug is this?

This is more feedback!
This is the feedback!

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